Category SEO

Medical SEO Case Study – Month 3

medical seo case study

Start a new medical website. Write one post per day. Do this for an entire year. Document your results. Don’t rely on your online persona or network, so that you don’t influence the results. This was (and still is) my…

Medical SEO Case Study – Month 2

Medical SEO Case Study - Month 2

We are in month 2 of my “write a post daily” medical SEO experiment. A new website, unlinked in my network, which should grow organically by posting and backlinks over the year. Until the SEO experiment is finished, its identity…

Medical SEO Case Study

medical seo case study

I challenged myself to write DAILY on a brand-new medical website and document my progress. I’d like to be able to publish a lot more content, but this medical SEO case study should also reflect the services I can really…